In de voorbije 10 jaar is de verlichtingsindustrie overgeschakeld op LED verlichting. De volgende revolutie is het slim maken van de armaturen waardoor ze kunnen integeren in de geconnecteerde woningen en kantoren van morgen. Bij DPTechnics begrijpen we maar al te goed met welke uitdagingen u als designer wordt geconfronteerd bij het ontwerpen van dit soort producten. Met onze expertise op vlak van electronica en embedded software kan u zich volledig focussen op design terwijl wij de techniek vlekkeloos laten samenwerken.
Met het Bluetooth® mesh systeem kan u duizenden armaturen en sensoren draadloos met elkaar laten communiceren. Dit maakt dat uw verlichtingssysteem intelligent wordt zonder de traditionele en dure sturingskast. Een kleine gateway is alles wat u nodig heeft.
Modules are easy to use, but that's about it. You cannot change their chape, they are very expensive and you don't have your own branded user interface. DPTechnics custom Bluetooth Mesh lighting solution fixes these issues by integrating the Bluetooth Mesh onto your luminar circuit board. We can design drivers, wireless communication, sensor devices, ... and integrate them seamlessly into the Bluetooth Mesh.
When your luminars become truly smart and are equipped with sensors of your choice they become the heart of a smart home. Any Bluetooth Mesh light can talk to each other and other Bluetooth mesh devices such as smart door locks, thermostats, wall switches,...
When you add a Bluetooth Mesh gateway to your smart luminar the possibilities become endless. Through any smartphone or other HTML5 enabled device you can control your lighting fixtures and read all their sensor values. It's even possible to go one step further and integrate the lights with the smart home system. For example to turn the lights on in red color when one of the lighting fixtures detects smoke.
Bluetooth Mesh is changing the building automation and lighting world. By choosing a Bluetooth Mesh solution based on a custom DPTechnics design you are sure to deliver the best, most interoperable, product to your customers. Together with the open BlueCherry IoT cloud and the Bluetooth Mesh gateway you can offer a complete Bluetooth Mesh ecosystem today.